sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2008

Paul's Outfakes [from maccaspan.com]

Mi Caos y Creación comparte con Ustedes estos cuatros volúmenes de la colección de remixes hechos por el administrador del foro del muy buen sitio maccaspan.com, sobre la base de b-sides y ciertas versiones alternativas de canciones de Paul. De ahí, el nomrbre de outkafes.
En mp3, para los completistas y para quienes les falta alguna de las canciones incluidas.
Los tracks incluidos son:
A Room With a View, Angry, Footprints, Frozen Jap, Here Today, Hi Hi Hi, Hope of Deliverance, However Absurd, I Will, Jenny Wren, Kreen Akrore, Loup, Mull of Kintyre, Not Such a Bad Boy, Shes My Baby, That Would Be Something, The Mess, This One, Uncle Albert, Waterspout, Wino Junko, World Tonight, Big Boys Bickering, Call Me Back Again, Darkroom, Flying to my Home, From a Lover to a Friend, Front Parlour, How Many People, I Am Your Singer, Letting Go, Love Come Tumbling Down, Love is Strange, Mumbo, Temporary Secretary, You Game Me the Answer, You Want Her Too, Let Me Roll It, Daytime Nightime Suffering, No More Lonely Nights (Playout Version), Pipes of Peace, Say Say Say, Picasso's Last Words, Young Boy, Looking for You, I Love This House, Junior's Farm, Band on the Run, Here There and Everywhere, y A Love For You.
Los links para los discos:
Thank you pepo!
Reporten links rotos o defectuosos y, si los hubiere, los repararé a la brevedad.

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Your information is wrong. They aren't McCartney re-mixes, b-sides or outtakes. All of them are home-made mixes done by Brian, the forum-master, from Macca tracks. So, they are just fakes. Thank you.

Anónimo dijo...

Well... it´s only an opinion. The important is whose belong this blog have several alternatives to listen to Macca's music.

Anónimo dijo...

I Think yours is the only opinion here, jorge. pepo is given information about this. I don't download this because I'm only interested in McCartney music ( I thought this place was just for that ) and not in people playing to be Paul McCartney. thank you pepo for your information. Thank you gustavo.